PHOTOGRAPHY. Drawing with Lights. The word 'photography' comes from two ancient Greek words: photo, for 'light', and graph, for &…
Read moreTRANSPORTATION. Before There Were Automobiles. Long age, most people had to walk wherever they wanted to go on land. Later, when large animals bega…
Read moreAUTOMOBILES. World Famous Ford Car. Henry Ford was born near Dearborn, Michigan, U.S., in July 1863. As a boy, he loved to play with watches, cl…
Read moreCOMPUTERS. The Machines That Solve Problems. The first computers were expensive room-sized machines that only business and government offices cou…
Read moreNUCLEAR ENERGY. Big Energy from a Small Source. Nuclear energy is the energy in the nucleus, or core, of an atom. Atoms are tiny units that make…
Read moreThe British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) offered the first public television (TV) programming in 1936. But World War II stalled the development a…
Read moreMEDICINE. Looking to Nature for Remedies. Two visitors watched a jaguar fall off its tree limb and lie quietly on the ground. Their guide in this S…
Read moreRADIO. Thank You, Mr. Marconi. Before there was television, people got much of their news and entertainment from the radio. And many still do! In…
Read moreTYRANNOSAUR. The Tyrant King. It was longer than a bus, weighed more than 3.6 tones, and had teeth up to 30 centimetres long. The tyrannosaur may…
Read moreMAMMOTHS AND MASTODONS. Ancient Elephants. Believe it or not thousands of years ago some elephants wore heavy fur coats. Actually, the mammoth was …
Read moreFOSSILS. Ancient Life in Stone. Would you like to see something that lived millions of years ago? You can if you find a fossil. The remains or tr…
Read moreCHARLES DARWIN. The Theory of Evolution. All cultures tell a story about how life oil Earth began. Most traditions and religions say that creation …
Read moreVOLCANOES. Mountains of Smoke and Fire. A volcano is a rupture within the crust of a planetary-mass object, like Earth, that permits hot lava, v…
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